Thursday, February 12, 2009

2/4/09- Washington Times- Steven Pearlstein- Stumbling on Their Sense of Entitlement

Steven Pearlstein, a commentator for the Washington Times, examines the role of many political groups within the public and private sectors and their participation in our "economic crisis." The article, found here, includes this excerpt about how the mismanagement of higher education funds across our country drains our budget:

"Is it too much to ask those college presidents who are about to be the beneficiaries of big increases in student aid and tuition tax credits to finally embrace the productivity revolution and find a way to use technology and new teaching techniques to lower the cost of education?"

This deals very intimately with the issues we face here in Louisiana. Everyone knows that a solid higher education system is necessary for keeping young professionals in Louisiana and stopping our growing out-migration of graduates. A strong flagship university, like LSU, represents a strong commitment to higher education.

 The real issue is "chicken-or-egg" in nature. Should the schools be financially rewarded for achievement or should the schools be expected to succeed only if they are given substantial budgets? Should taxpayers fund higher education simply because it exists, or should they demand productivity and the rights to oversee the process?

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