From The Advocate (5/8/09):
"The Shaw Group on Thursday rejected accepting $28.5 million from the megafund to build a nuclear reactor component facility in Lake Charles.
Shaw Chairman J.M. Bernhard Jr. urged the state to put the money into higher education, which is facing $220 million in budget cuts because of a $1.3 billion drop in state revenue."
"Lawmakers sent Gov. Bobby Jindal’s $27 billion state operating budget proposal to the House floor Thursday after adding money for higher education, health care and arts programs.
In order to balance spending with decreased revenues, Jindal proposed $219 million in cuts to higher education and more than $400 million in cuts to health care.
Legislators reduced some — but not all — of those cuts.
Using state dollars, lawmakers directed:
In $50 million more than what the governor recommended to the state’s public colleges and universities."
excellent news! A policy analyst stated outright this morning on WRKF's Jim Engster show that these cuts were a bad idea--someone to get on board (or at least link to here)!